Daughters of Light #151 OES
Chartered 1929
Meets every 3rd Friday (except July and August) at 6:00 p.m.
About Us
After several letters and visits to the Grand Chapter in Columbia, South Carolina a group of ladies, led by Mrs. Ida Caldwell were granted a Charter for Daughters of Light #151 on July 16,1929 in the 3rd OES District, now located in the 5th Masonic District.
Some of the charter members included Ellaree Graham (Royal Matron), Mattie Davis Plair (Honored Associate Matron), Prince Riley (Royal Patron), Eula Blake (Secretary) Ida Caldwell, Lizzie White, Johnnie Mae Ramseur Robinson, Annie M. Cloud, Lucille Thompson and Arnetta B. White
The chapter was started in a small upstairs room heated by a small kerosene heater, over an apartment house on Main Street in Rock Hill, South Carolina. The Chapter began to grow. After many years they moved to an upstairs room at Robinson Funeral Home on Black Street. Once again, the chapter continued to grow, and several other moves were made to the Guardian Fidelity Building (formerly known as the Andrew Jackson Hotel) located on Main Street in downtown Rock Hill, Rock Grove AME Zion Church and finally, the Prince Hall Masonic Temple which we proudly occupy now at 977 Crawford Road in Rock Hill.
In the Past, Daughters of Light has sponsored a Girls Scout Troop, made several contributions to the United Way, March of Dimes, Cancer Society, Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen and the Salvation Army. Presently, we participate with the Back The Pack Program, which is sponsored by the Rock Hill School District. We also participate in the Community Fall Festival, which is held annually during the month of October. In addition, we make annual monetary donations to the Autism Foundation and the Spina Bifida Association.
We owe all of this to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that strengthens us, for He is the head of our Chapter. We continue to pray for His blessings as we go from day to day.
Elected And Appointed Officers for 2024-2025:
Worthy Matron Doretha Knox
Worthy Patron Freeman J. Knox
Associate Matron Mary Crawford
Associate Patron James Witherspoon
Secretary Sarah Lowry
Treasurer Elizabeth Davis
Conductress Stacy Crawford
Associate Conductress Martha Ervin
Chairman of Trustees Etinnie Burnett
Trustee near Secretary
Trustee near Treasurer
Warder Shawn Jackson
Sentinel Randy Kennedy
Adah Tiffany Hefney
Ruth Ruishon Burnett
Esther Vergie Roseboro
Martha Bleaker Blake
Electa Frances Rountree
Sister Josephine Clowney
Sister Cassie Dickerson
Sister Christy Hannibal
Sister Zeniada Jackson
Sister Joyce Jones
Sister Dorothy Lowry
Sister Katie McCullough
Sister Hollie Rhone
Sister Sonya Tidwell
Sister Patricia Ware
Sister Margaret Parson-Willins
Sister Patsy Caldwell-White
Brother Gregory Carter
Brother Albert Crawford
Brother James Knox
Interested in becoming a member?
Ladies must be:
Men must be Prince Hall Affiliated Free & Accepted Master Masons in good financial standing.
To become apply, please contact a member of the chapter or send an email to jerrell1986@gmail.com.
977 Crawford Road
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Regular Communication is held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. All Prince Hall Affiliated Master Masons are welcomed to attend. If you would like to attend, please notify our Worshipful Master PRIOR to attending.
Masonic Events:
Monthly Meeting-
Tuesday, September 3rd at 7:30 p.m.
OES Events:
Monthly Meeting-
Friday, September 20th at 6 p.m.
Prince Hall Day-
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Langrum Branch Baptist Church at 10 a.m.
Members of all PHA Masonic Bodies are invited to attend.
To obtain information about our website, please contact Webmaster Jerrell Knox, Senior Warden- Sons of Light Lodge # 61 at jerrell1986@gmail.com. You will be contacted as soon as possible. We thank you for viewing our lodge homepage.